I think that Peggy did an excellent job summarizing. Mr. Pink has certainly hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned. I feel that we have become a society that concerns itself less with getting the basic necessities of life and more with abundance. Not so many years ago, having a cell phone was a luxury and now many people, including myself consider it a necesssity. The applications and extras of years past have become the standard packages of today and designers are constantly trying to make their products more appealing rather than just practical.
Even the seemingly mundane items are being influenced by design. As Pink states on pages 74-75 when discussing print fonts..."Today we live in a new habitat." What we as a society would never have been exposed to (types of font) is now considered common knowledge if we can read, write, and use a computer. Our habitat and how we learn to survive it in Western Civilization is much how natives of a rainforest must learn to "read" their environment to survive.
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